Title : « Highlighting the dynamics of cortical activity using neurotechnologies: Implication for speech neural prostheses »
Abstract : Neurotechnologies such as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) offer promising perspectives to restore communication in severely paralyzed people. Here, we will first focus on speech BCIs with ongoing work aiming at decoding cortical activity to predict continuous speech in patients implanted with cortical electrode arrays and with preliminary attempts to control a speech synthesizer in real time. We will then discuss how neurotechnologies can help to highlight the cortical dynamics underlying speech and more largely vocal production in mammals.
Bio : Blaise Yvert is research director at Inserm and leads the team Neurotechnology and Network Dynamics at the Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences. His interests focus on neurotechnologies to explore cortical activity underlying speech and vocal production and the development of speech neuroprostheses.