17 May 2023

Séminaire Nanoscience: Small objects to solve big problems – Pr Roland HABCHI (Univ Libanaise)

17 mai 2023, 13:00 – 14:00 en visio

Abstract :
In this presentation we will see some of the applications that emerge from the synthesis of small objects in the aim of solving big problems. Nanoscience can be used on several materials to make them stronger, more durable, more cost effective… among a lot of other properties.
Some of the applications include: gas detectors for safety, anti-corrosion surfaces, photocatalysis, solar energy… The presentation includes some real-life solutions to many of these problems as found through our research in the EC2M laboratory as well as in joint projects with other institutions. Some of the perspectives will be presented as to further bridge the gap between lab scale research and industry in order to bring those innovations into the market.
Among the presented results, we will see a novel gas flexible detector based on reduced graphene oxide deposited on paper as tested on water vapor and ammonia. Another topic is how to fabricate nanofibers and how to fictionalize the materials to be activated through visible light and induce the photocatalysis of pollutants in water. The used materials are basically TiO2, ZnO, Al2O3 and reduced graphene oxide.
As a possible application in solar cells, we performed a study on how to fabricate urchin-like microstructure in order to enhance the absorption of solar energy by increasing the surface area of zinc oxide.

Bio :
Roland Habchi received his BS degree and his masters’ degree from the Lebanese university in 2003 and 2004. He then received a PhD in microelectronics from the university of Perpignan, France in 2007 and later an HDR degree from the university of Montpellier, France in 2019. He is currently a professor of Physics at the faculty of sciences 2 of the Lebanese university and a member of the scientific board of the research platform for nanoscience. Since 2016 he is the founder and director of the EC2M laboratory of the faculty of sciences.
His research includes the fabrication of detectors, the synthesis of nanofibers, photocatalysis studies, and thin films deposition.

17 May 202318 May 2023
Laboratoire ESYCOM