16 September 2021

Séminaire Pr. Giovanni Tartarini (Alma mater studiorum – Università di Bologna)

Opportunities and Challenges of Optical Fiber Systems in different Applicative Contexts

Opportunities and Challenges of Optical Fiber Systems in different Applicative Contexts

Many fields of telecommunications and sensing can take advantage of the optical fiber as a transmission channel giving rise to a very numerous set of application scenarios and connected research topics.
Some elements of this set will be illustrated in the seminar, ranging from the realizations of Fiber To The Home (FTTH) infrastructures, to the applications of the Radio over Fiber (RoF) technology both in Radio-astronomy and in the transmission of mobile 5G signals. Phenomena of Rayleigh Backscattering, Polarisation dependent loss and Bi-Modal propagation will be browsed together with efficient canceling methods.

Short Bio:
Giovanni Tartarini is Associate Professor of Electromagnetic Fields at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering « Guglielmo Marconi » (DEI) of the University of Bologna (UniBo).
He is the Head of the Optics Laboratory of DEI, and his main research interests are the Applications of Microwave Photonics Systems and Devices to Telecommunications and Sensing.
He maintains active relationships of collaboration with Universities, Research Institutes and Private Companies aimed to the theoretical and experimental investigation on optical systems for applications in the fields of telecommunications and radioastronomy.
He is/has been the scientific/technical responsible for DEI-UniBo within National and European Research Projects, and within Contracts of Research commissioned by Private Companies and Research Institutes.
Giovanni Tartarini is author/co-author of over 100 indexed scientific works, published on Journals or in International Conferences.
He is currently holding his second term in the role of Director of the Bachelor Degree Course in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering of DEI-UniBo.